Resources for Learning Solidity and Blockchain

I am learning blockchain development for my new career and have gathered together the resources I’m using to learn. I haven’t used all of them yet, but I have looked through them and they look good, with varying relevance for what you want to do. Change is fast in crypto, so their usefulness will likely fade over time. Cryptozombies for example is a few years old and uses an old version of solidity but it is still helpful. For me it showed some of the possibilities with solidity and helped me get familiar with the syntax and vocabulary of solidity.

Currently I’m working my way through the 30 hour video course from freecodecamp. I really recommend it. He walks you through coding contracts in a really applied way without skipping any important steps. A few hours in and I was already running my own contracts on an ethereum testnet.

I’m also reading the book Mastering Blockchain when I only have my kindle around and it is very in depth from the bottom of the stack up, explaining cryptography, consensus, blockchains, and so on. It has tons of inline source references for more information, especially useful in the ebook version.

I’ll give more recommendations as I progress through this journey.


Here are the resources I’m using:

Blockchain Solidity Smart contracts from freecodecamp - 30 hour free video course

Video at:

Buidl Guidl

Learn solidity through hands on projects using scaffold-eth. Guidl membership is available after completing all the challenges. Scaffold-eth handles a lot of the front end so you can focus on the blockchain coding.

Comprehensive book on blockchains

Mastering Blockchain: A deep dive into distributed ledgers, consensus protocols, smart contracts, DApps, cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, and more, 3rd Edition

How to become a blockchain engineer - high level step by step advice for becoming a blockchain engineer

Eth Dev companion - detailed, comprehensive list of resources from Consensys 2021 boot camp

Introduction to solidity from chainshot

Crypto Startup School from a16z

Remix - solidity ide in the browser

Hardhat - solidity development environment

Oh my git - game for learning git

Intro to blockchain using python, also has courses on full stack development

Cryptozombies - learn solidity by making a zombie battle game